Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Electronic Fence

I called Hidden Fence and the next day a man was in my yard to install the electronic fence for my dog. He needs to be able to go hang out in the yard and be safe. My Wilmington home has a fenced backyard but here in New Jersey, there is none. And since this is where I'm living, we make the proper adjustments. It's more for my mom. When I return to Corporate America, I want it to be as easy for her as possible to help me care for her new security system. :) All she'll have to do is open the door and Har can hang out in the yard for as long as he likes.

So now comes the training for the fence. Now Harrison has his Canine Good Citizen Certification with the AKC (American Kennel Club) so he is very well trained but I've never used an electronic collar on him for anything. And, the reason he is CGC certified is because he was going to be a certified Therapy Dog - only certain dogs have the right temperament to do this and Harrison was always a very sensitive pup. Well, hell fire! That collar was on 2.5 out of 10 - extremely low (I put it on myself and walked near the flags)... he goes near the perimeter of the yard and gets zapped and you'd think we were killing him! The crying and jumping - all fours came off the ground - and that was the FOURTH time he got zapped. It's now Day 3 and this dog will not walk anywhere near those flags and I've not moved the setting from 2.5 even though I was advised to do so. Yesterday, the neighbor's dog came into the yard and Harrison walked slowly toward him, got a zap and said "Pft - you're SO not worth it" and turned around and came back. I know they say I should turn that collar up but can you imagine if he got zapped with it on, say, 5? I think the neighbors might call the cops at that point.

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