Another year has come and gone. I will say it was a better year than the previous one. 2011 found me out of my parents house and in my own apartment, out of Hell (the worst job I think I ever had) and at a company I love, broken up with someone I could've fallen in love with - wait - that's not good. Well.... two out of three ain't bad. The job was probably the most important of the three. My livlihood? Yeah, I'd say so. Kind of ironic that working for a health and wellness center made me sick to my stomach, not to mention having more ailments than ever! Why is that? Oh, because the people running the place were (are) assholes? Yes, that's right. Seven months after I'm gone and there are about 5 people left there that were employed when I was there. Pretty pathetic. Karma certainly has it's work cut out with those two morons, that's for sure. I think the best very well could've been when the supposed owner (I say supposed, because she is a pathological liar so you never really knew what was true or not) emailed me the entire company's paystubs by mistake. This, from someone who didn't make mistakes. Don't get me started.
So, it's time, once again, for our resolutions. Good intentions. Shit that won't last. One of mine is to be nicer to a good friend of mine. One of my coworker said I should be nicer to my coworkers. Hmmm.... NAH! My coworkers should stop being lazy and do some work and then I'll be nicer. I didn't bother resolving to stop saying fuck. That doesn't usually last more than about 12 hours into the New Year. What else? To start an IRA. That I intend to do. Anything else? I don't think so. I don't want to overdo it. Oh..... 2012 found me posting a profile on Because OKCupid wasn't enough torture, I suppose. Free dating sites. Let's all the crazies sign up.
Oh.... three days before 2011 ended, my dear friend, Rob, set me off good enough for me to have no interest in speaking with him for an indefinite amount of time. That does not happen often. It's January 6 and I still haven't spoken to him (or emailed, texted, IM'd or any other form of communication). I'm sure the reply email I sent him in response to the one that pissed me off so much pissed him off pretty good, as well, leaving him no interest in speaking to me. Two wrongs don't make a right, but I was just letting him know how I felt. Pretty fucking mad and insulted. I think he knows now.
That's all for now. Until next time, my few and faithful readers.....
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