(these ares listed in 3 columns and is simply a list of likes/interests)
Singing, music, Dahlias, drums, photography, the smell of fresh cut grass, big dogs, the beach at dusk, boats, the river, ping-pong, presents, shooting pool, movies, dining out, my family, surprises, making Italian dishes, four-wheeling, champagne, small towns, cat's bellies, Halloween, hats, hot baths, Christmas lights, ghosts, stick shifts, big sweatshirts, pit bulls, green eyes, rainy day naps, pony tails, paw prints, trying things I've never done, live music, not beating around the bush, strawberries, German shepherds, dominance, saying what you feel, Jimmy Buffett, quoting stupid movies, long passionate kisses
There are only two things I can think of that will immediately halt our communications almost immediately:
1. You do not like dogs.
2. You think there is something wrong with same sex relationships.
2. You think there is something wrong with same sex relationships.
Other than that, I don't care what kind of politics you like, what you drive, where you work, what you did in your past, who you dated..... if we connect and there is chemistry - that's what is important. If you get me and we click - that's what's important. If you are nice to waitresses and hold doors for strangers - that's what's important.
I'm not going to write a big, long story here, describing myself to the world wide Internet. If you're interested in getting to know me, feel free to send me a message with whatever you'd like to know (sexual questions will not be answered, so save it). If I wanted a FWB situation, I'd have joined the appropriate website.
What I will tell you is that I am happy with where I am at this point in my life. I have no regrets... my past has helped me become who I am today and I like that person. I believe that in this short life we're given, it's not about the hand we're dealt, but how we play it. I have a job I love, a roof over my head, no debt and bills that are paid on time, a dog I adore and family that I enjoy spending time with. I am an eternal optimist and a big goofball. I love people and can (and often do) talk to strangers, yet at the same time, people bug the shit out of me probably because I have a low tolerance for stupidity and helplessness (I can explain that further if we ever meet - it's not as bad as it maybe sounds). LOL. I'm going to leave it there. Thanks for stopping by. Happy New Year!

(the pictures posted here are the photos on my profile)
That's it.
About 15 minutes ago I received an invitation to chat from HelloLadies21 located somewhere near Levittown, PA. His opening line: "your sexy"
I asked him where he was located (I believe he listed a county in PA).... he said about 45 minutes from me. Trying to locate his distance on Bingmaps so I could politely tell him he was too far from me (I just wasn't interested, period - not with someone who starts a conversation with someone they've never even spoken to with "your sexy"), I asked him if he was near Levittown. He answered yes and I commented that I used to have family there.
He said "you coming to see me?"
I answered "that would be a no."
He said "I'm trying."
I asked if he was trying and he said yes. I asked him if an opening line of "your sexy" usually worked for him. He said it sometimes did. I asked for who - women who want to get laid? He laughed.
As I'm about to tell him I'm not interested because he's located too far from me, he writes "your eyes say your a devil in bed. are you?"
I asked if he read my profile or just looked at the pictures.
He said "both."
I answered "what part about this was confusing to you?: (sexual questions will not be answered, so save it). If I wanted a FWB situation, I'd have joined the appropriate website."
He answered "I ignore it."
At that point I said "There you go. Bye."
Before I could sign out of the chat session, I was lucky enough to see his response.
It read "Later WHORE."
Now this does not surprise me. What I find amusing is that this person apparently likes whores, because before I said goodbye, he was all about wanting to meet me. OR, did I suddenly become a whore because I was not interested in him? AND... if that's the case, I find that amusing because I was being the exact opposite of an actual whore. Now had he called me a bitch, that would be more appropriate (even though I was quite nice to him). You get my point.
This was not the first amusing contact I've had with the opposite sex. This is just the most recent.
Comments anyone?
PS - my dog lays sleeping at my feet. My constant and loyal companion. The only real unconditional love I have ever known from the male species.
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